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Stepping Stones

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

the Great experiment that is waiting to be made - giving God control.

Peace, direction, power - the fullness of life - await the complete surrender of ourselves to God for His purposes. This is the Great experiment that is waiting to be made - giving God control. How do we begin the experiment?

To put it very simply, God cannot take over my life unless I am WILLING. Willingness is not a matter of feeling. It is not a vague desire that God should change me. It is not an impulsive resolve to obey God in future. It is a very practical thing.

"If a man is bankrupt and consents to his chief creditor reorganizing and running the business, the first thing he must do is to produce the books - all of them. The difficulty with so many debtors is that they conceal some of their debts, or fail to mention some particularly foolish blunder or some doubtful transaction to which fear prompted them... If, then, I want God to take control of my life, the first thing I must do is to produce the books. I must be willing to look with God at everything... It may be useful at this point if I get a pencil and paper, and make some notes." (When Man Listens- Cecil Rose - 1937).

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